We started with one simple Vision over 10 years ago, to expand the Jewish community by growing South of the pico-robertson area where people can purchase and rent more affordable housing. It started with a small synagogue that attracted hundreds of families to the neighborhood, continued on to a dream of building a community center which we named The Eiden Project, fast-forwarded to us NOW Finally finishing our first phase - which is centered around education. In this building we will House the only Jewish Montessori School in Los Angeles, which has proven by our incredible growth and the parents satisfactory rates, that it is the most effective way to teach young children. We will also have our Torah Studio where we will broadcast Rabbi Zajac’s world renown Daily Dafi Yomi Talmudic class and many other classes that are given weekly by the rabbi and others. On top of that we will start to provide vocational learning out of this building for young adults with our new HIRE program. But this is where we desperately need your help. We will need to crowd fund this final milestone.
Please help us during our “Eiden 48 hour Raisathon”. On June 12th & 13th we will need the help of the greater Jewish community, not only in Los Angeles but as far as the internet can reach, to donate whatever they can to help us achieve our $180,000 goal to finish this Phase 1 and do our ribbon cutting on July 16th. Please be part of building a home to future generations of children to be able to open their minds and finally be able to study within the proven Montessori system as well be part of building the facilities which will inspire thousands of people around the world, daily with Torah classes plus the place which will be dedicated to training Jews of all ages to get the skill sets they need to be able to get immediate paying jobs.
We need your help... Please donate as much as you can afford and spread the word in every way possible. Share it, like it, post it,
Together we can educate generations to come. We will only have 48 Hours…. so let’s make them count. Thank you.