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send an email to
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Listen to the mp3/audio version of each class by clicking on the video title.
To download the mp3/audio file, right click on the title with your mouse then
select "save target as" and follow the window prompts.

Lsn 15-14 Extent of Beis Din Authority

Lsn 03-19 Chanukah

Lsn 20-05 Hilchos Yibum and Chaliza

Lsn 14-08 Hilchos Geirum

Lsn 03-18 Laws of Chol Hamoed

Lsn 03-17 Laws of Chol Hamoed

Lsn 03-16 Laws of Chol Hamoed

Lsn 14-05 Pre and Post Nup

Lsn 03-15 Laws of Yom Tov

Lsn 03-14 Laws of Yom Tov

Lsn 03-13 Laws of Yom Tov

Lsn 03-12 Laws of Yom Tov

Due to technical errors there is no video or audio available for Lsn 03-11 Laws of Yom Tov.

Lsn 03-10 Laws of Yom Tov

Lsn 03-09 Laws of Yom Tov

Lsn 26-01 Kav Hataarich - International Date Line

Lsn 25-05 Orach Chaim

Lsn 25-04 Orach Chaim

Lsn 25-03 Orach Chaim

Lsn 25-02 Orach Chaim

Lsn 25-01 Orach Chaim - Due to technical issues this class is not available.

Lsn 24-03 Chaleil Olov Shabbos Achas

Lsn 24-02 Chaleil Olov Shabbos Achas

Lsn 24-01 Chaleil Olov Shabbos Achas

Lsn 23-02 Hilchos Yuchsin
(due to technical difficulties the sound is very low, you will need to maximize the volume)

Lsn 22-03 Hilchos Mitzia

Lsn 22-02 Hilchos Mitzia

Lsn 22-01 Hilchos Mitzia
The above title is linked to an MP3 / Audio file for this class. Due to technical difficulties
there is no video recording available.

Lsn 21-06 Hilchos Mikvaos

Lsn 21-05 Hilchos Mikvaos
We apologize but due to technical difficulties there is no video or audio recording available for this class.

Lsn 21-04 Hilchos Mikvaos

Lsn 21-03 Hilchos Mikvaos

Lsn 21-02 Hilchos Mikvaos
We apologize but due to technical errors there is no video or MP3 / Audio available for this class.

Lsn 21-01 Hilchos Mikvaos
The above title is linked to the MP3 / Audio file for this class. We apologize but due to
technical errors there is no video available for this class.


Lsn02-04 Sexual Molester has the Din of a Rodef